分类: PMG评级

  • 印度新金山中国汇理银行,1905-10, 10元, 正面 评级为PMG 20 Very Fine

    印度新金山中国汇理银行,1905-10, 10元, 正面 评级为PMG 20 Very Fine

    在此次拍卖会中,有一张非常令人期待的纸币: 中国香港1905-10年 10元,评级为PMG 20 Very Fine。 此为同类纸币中目前较早年号的纸币,也是已知3张纸币中的一张。估价是HK$400,000至HK$600,000(折合约$51,600至$77,400 美元)。

    印度新金山中国汇理银行, Pick#35, 1905-10, 10元, 正面
    评级为PMG 20 Very Fine

  • The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $100, colour trial specimen, 2.12.1929

    The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $100, colour trial specimen, 2.12.1929

    The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $100, colour trial specimen, 2.12.1929, without serial numbers, brown, black and light blue, supported arms at centre, Minerva at left, watermark area at right, denomination at corners, reverse green and yellow, junk boat and sampan at centre, overprinted ‘SPECIMEN WATERLOW & SONS LTD’ in red twice on both sides,
    (Pick 52cts), PMG 63 Choice Uncirculated (Previously Mounted). This type note is extremely elusive and well sought after. Spink China sold a uniface colour trial pair for HKD$456,000 inclusive of Buyer’s Premium in March 2019 and double sided printed notes are generally more popular

    Sold for

  • People’s Bank of China, 1st series renminbi, 1948-1949, 5000 yuan

    People’s Bank of China, 1st series renminbi, 1948-1949, 5000 yuan

    People’s Bank of China, 1st series renminbi, 1948-1949, 5000 yuan, ‘Mongolian Yurt’, serial number 0191105,
    (Pick 857Ba), PMG 30NET Very Fine (Restoration). One of the key notes of the series and in decent grade. Rare and an ever popular type

    Sold for

  • The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $10

    The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $10

    The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $10, a pair of uniface obverse and reverse hand composite essay, Hankow, 1.1.1923, red, blue and green, supported arms upper centre, denomination at each corner, ‘Hankow Shi Yuan’ (Hankow Ten Dollars) in Chinese characters left and right, ‘TEN’ and ‘$10 Shi Yuan’ in blue and green underprint respectively,
    (Pick S160pm), both sides graded PMG 64. A unique pair which although has similar colours to the final version still shows some obvious differences. A lovely pair