
1910年中国香港印度新金山中国汇理银行100元,评级为PMG 63 Choice Uncirculated

The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $100, specimen, fully printed date 6th October (19)10, Grey borders on purple-pink, bank coat of arms at upper centre, ‘$100’ to its left and right, ‘100’ in violet underprint at centre. Black printed Manager signature “Dickson” at lower right, Accountant unsigned at left. Perforated ‘CANCELLED’ multiple times in the lower portion of the note. A rare W.W. Sprague and Co. printing for Hong Kong, (Pick 39 for type), PMG 63 Choice Uncirculated (Perforated Cancelled, Previously Mounted). Exceptionally rare and important. The colours brilliant and fresh. Essentially a perfect piece with trace of mounting at the corners. From the Stanley Gibbons discovery set ca.1975. Spink China sold the other known $100 example, without the date and signed “Cochrane” in lesser grade (PMG Extremely Fine 40), for HKD$600,000 (including Buyer’s Premium) in August 2019. The $100 example sold by Spink China one year ago had important differences with the Barrett specimen: In addition to these two subtypes, at the end of the Classics period the Chartered Bank fortuitously retained an example of an issued note. This issued and cancelled example is now in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History, and is illustrated by KN Boon. The date of that note is 8th September (19)10, thus a month earlier than the Barrett specimen. Most interestingly, the dates of printing a month apart are unusual for a high denomination such as the $100, and may well have been made due to the change of Manager from “Cochrane” to “Dickson” as seen on the Barrett example. The Hong Kong Museum of History example is serial no. K/X 41083. This rarity is hand-signed at bottom left and with the printed Manager signature of “Dickson” at bottom right. The note bears heavy Cancelled stamps, as well as chops or graffiti, particularly on the back.
1910年印度新金山中國渣打銀行100元樣票,日期1910年10月6日,罕見W. W. Sprague & Co.公司印刷,PMG 63,打孔注銷,有黏貼,2019年8月斯賓克曾以HKD$600,000(連佣金)拍出評級稍低的一枚,此枚品相更佳,極為珍貴



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