
1874年至1879年中国香港印度新金山中国汇理银行5元,评级为PMG 6 Good NET

The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, $5, 1.1.1879, serial number indistinguishable but stated by Bank to be “FS 04700”, Worn and somewhat rough apparently from being washed while in circulation, and subsequently stuck down on rice paper and placed back in circulation. “Cancelled” at left and right. With bank stamp of the Hong Kong branch of the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank in purple at upper right. The HSBC apparently received this note from a client, stamped it, and sent it to the Chartered for redemption. The serial numbers partly rubbed off. A new design was introduced by the Chartered in 1879 at least for the $5 denomination. Higher denominations for circulation have not been examined and are not recorded in any private collection. Despite its well travelled condition, an important early historical Chartered Bank, Hong Kong, item, of which it appears only two surviving notes represent the entire total in collectors’ hands. *A Chartered Bank envelope of the period attached to the note reads: “FS 04700” (the “00” circled) “Bank note Chartered Bank Hong. $5 dated 1 Jany 1879, sgd Jas Haycomb — acct, J. Arthur Taylor, p. Mangr. Number illegible. Paid Hong. Bank 26/3/90 [1890].” (Pick 21b), PMG 6 NET Good (Stamped Cancelled, Backed). One of two notes known to date and thus ultra rare
1879年印度新金山中國渣打銀行5元,編號不能辨認,有蟲注及水洗痕跡,及後黏貼在宣紙上,然後重新使用,宣紙上有加蓋注銷及銀行蓋印,部分編號被擦走,附信封,附註(中譯):FS 04700″ (“00” 被圈起) “香港渣打銀行5元,日期1879年1月1日, 會計師J Hay及 經理Arthur Taylor簽名,編號難以辨認,Paid Hong. Bank 26/3/90.” 獲PMG評級6 NET Good, 蓋印注銷,裱背。已知存世兩枚之一,珍罕至極



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